Platinum asked for $50,000 of funding for the remaster and set a Steam version as a hefty $250,000 stretch goal. Not so beefy after all, because backers have smashed through that goal and the PS4 version set as a $500,000 stretch goal. I’ve honestly not seen the funding ticker stop moving since I opened the page an hour ago. I never owned a Wii U so I don’t know what all the fuss is about but the evidence suggests plenty of you lot might have enjoyed it back when.

The “unite action” game revolves around a bunch of miniature colourful superheroes each with special abilities. They can each for “unite morphs” together that create different shapes for pummeling baddies like a fist, a big ol’ green gun, a whip, and more. Platinum say that all backers will receive a special edition of the game with free access to whichever DLCs are unlocked via funding stretch goals. So far, the only stretch goals revealed are the Steam and PS4 ports, suggesting that DLC goals are further down the list yet to be revealed. Seems like Platinum may have expected to outstrip their initial funding ask if they’ve outright referenced stretch goals that are still hidden. Here’s Platinum’s video released with the crowdfunding campaign. It’s mostly just a goofy skit showing the team deciding to port the game and then beating up a monster in full 90’s practical effects costume regalia but there’s a tiny bit of gameplay there at the end. This will be Platinum’s first time self-publishing a game, they say during the announcement video, which does bring new challenges. They seem to think they’re up to it, with the power of “unite morphs” and all that. When Platinum announced new investment from Tencent in January, they said they wanted to start self-publishing - and here we are. You can check out The Wonderful 101: Remastered’s campaign yourself over on Kickstarter. It doesn’t look like a store page has cropped up for it on Steam just yet but you can now officially expect that to happen at some point.